Category Archives: My Teaching Philosophy

“To teach is to learn twice.” -Joseph Joubert

This quote lives on the home page of my blog for a reason. When I show this quote to people I think they giggle at the assumption that this means I didn’t remember the Pythagorean Theorem from grade eight so I must have had to go and relearn it before I could teach it. This quote actually promotes my teaching philosophy that each student is both distinct and different. Not one learner can fit into a box and be categorized as one way or another. Via casual conversation, formal or informal assessment, or other mediums, students can individually offer feedback or displays of understanding unique to themselves. Feedback so distinct, that when you go to teach content matter for the second time or third time or 50th time, you will have learned a, or many new ways to approach the topic. So more specifically, we don’t just learn twice. Like we aspire to guide our students, we never stop learning.

I believe that a student’s sense of self, identify, and belonging is of paramount importance. Learners thrive in an environment that promotes honesty and the idea that we are better, as a community, when we feel confident in and take pride in our strengths. Positive relationships are essential in order to create this type of environment, and are key in allowing students to flourish as curious and investigative life long learners.